
Usestronganduniquepasswords·Keeptrackofallyourpasswords·Checkyourpasswordsforsecurityissues·Knowhowscammersmightreachyou·Alwaysvalidate ...,2023年4月9日—FreeWi-Ficonnectionsareusuallyunencrypted,whichmeansthathackerscanseewhatyou'redoingonline.UseaVPNtoprotectyourconnection ...,Tipstostaysafeonline·Thinkbeforeyoupost.Don'tuploadorshareanythingyouwouldn'twantyourparents,carers,teachersorfuturee...

Tips to Stay Safe & Secure Online

Use strong and unique passwords · Keep track of all your passwords · Check your passwords for security issues · Know how scammers might reach you · Always validate ...

Top Internet Safety Tips for Everyone

2023年4月9日 — Free Wi-Fi connections are usually unencrypted, which means that hackers can see what you're doing online. Use a VPN to protect your connection ...

Staying safe online

Tips to stay safe online · Think before you post. Don't upload or share anything you wouldn't want your parents, carers, teachers or future employers seeing.

4 Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online

There are easy things we can do to ensure our information is safe from those wishing to steal it. Recognize & report phishing. Most successful online intrusions ...

5 tips on how to stay safe online

1. Use unique passwords · 2. Log out from services · 3. Keep your software up to date · 4. Beware phishing attacks · 5. Take back-ups.

Top 15 internet safety rules and what not to do online

2. Choose strong passwords. Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots when it comes to cybersecurity. People often choose passwords that are easy to remember ...

Top tips for staying secure online

Top tips for staying secure online · Use a strong and separate password for your email · Install the latest software and app updates · Turn on 2-step verification ...

How to Stay Safe Online

How to Stay Safe Online · 1. Don't share your personal information · 2. Double-check any links before you click · 3. Use secure public Wi-Fi networks · 4. Use a VPN ...

Internet Safety Tips For Everyone Who Spends Time Online

Encourage your children to avoid talking to strangers online, and make sure they're aware of online dangers. There's no need to be paranoid, just take basic ...

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